Saturday, January 21, 2012


In recent times I have been having a huge bucketful of bad luck. But eventually having a wife who has decided to stand by you no matter what happens really helps. Soni has stuck through everything and so has her credit card !!!:P

So being Jobless especially a kick ass vacation was so much fun in the beginning but it eventually caught up with me and I thought of various options including returning to India. In theory it sounded amazing but my savings were dwindling and going to India meant starting from scratch.

But now i have a job and last 2 months seem like a bad dream. No problems !!! :) But yes I am now in a job something completely different from what i have been doing for the last 5 years.It is different and i enjoy it BUT i would always love to go back to what i did.

Anyways this post can go on forever so let me cut it short and let me write about happier times in my blogs coming next. India was amazing and pics and blogs coming soon !!!