Sunday, August 9, 2009

It’s been ages since I have written cos of the whole work load and such but in recent times I have had some issues and also it was killing me!! Well waiting for a set of results!! And hoping that they are good!! Anyways besides that there are a lot of things which have been going!! Last month was Sawaan and you know it’s as if God is testing me!! Last few months I didn’t have a decent party and suddenly everything is happening in this month with almost tons of parties thrown and me playing in all of them and not drinking at all! And also since the day I have started fasting I have had such amazing opportunities to eat like an animal in some good restaurants which the company pays that it’s actually feels like an opportunity lost!! But now I feel that somehow it will be all worthwhile!! Somehow I feel that there is a sunrise at the horizon after the dark days!! Somehow I feel everything will be fine!! I am not super duper religious and such but I do believe there is a supreme power and that we as human beings need someone to look upto!! As human beings we require the help of the almighty to help in every possible manner!! Being self sufficient is not always enough!! You need to have that certain belief in divine power!! Anyways I am just waiting for something good to happen eventually!! And hoping that everyone prays for me!! Cos I really need it !!